
Self Help Groups


Village Organisations


Households Mobilised

LokOS (Lok = People, OS = Operating System) is a Profile Management and Financial Operational System for the rural Community based Organizations or CBOs in India. LokOS is a national platform for the CBOs under National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), under the aegis of the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), GoI. All states/UTs are leveraging the LokOS platform as per their own approach and timeline. The possibilities of LokOS being rolled out fully across the country and the profiles and transactional data being utilized to help in reducing rural poverty are immense. Providing timely support and enhancements to the LokOS platform are key in ensuring that these possibilities are fully realised.

Digital India Corporation is undertaking the project development, operation and management activities of the LokOS platform supported by NRLM, MoRD. The handover and knowledge sharing of the platform is in progress.


Special Features

Special Features image

Social inclusion, social development and access to entitlements through convergence.

The Mission seeks to reach out to around 10 Crore rural poor households in a phased manner by 2022-23 and impact their livelihoods significantly.

Social mobilization and promotion and strengthening of self-managed and financially sustainable community institutions of the rural poor women.

About LokOS App

To know more about LokOS